Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What Makes Me Smile

My baby girl said yesterday, "Mommy, I am so proud of you!"


"I way proud of you!"


"Because you took a shower."

I think I might need to work on increasing her expectations of me.
After all I shower every day.

Adventures & Misadventures of Daily Living

When Oak and I first got married he laughed at me because I said that a rule we had in our home growing up was "no singing at the dinner table."  Then we had kids.

Yesterday Sunflower was singing "I love you, You love me" over and over at dinner.

Oak said, "I thought we weren't ever going to watch Barney."

I shrugged.  I have a cold.  "I kind of like Barney."

"Sunflower, no singing at the table," Oak said.

"Okay.  I'll sing on the floor."  Soon she was singing AND dancing.
Sunflower makes me smile. 

 Or as her brothers put it, she makes everyone smile.


No Greater Love said...

Sunflower is so cute. She makes me smile, too!

And that is funny at about the singing rule. I do not like musicals at all, because I always think, "Who in real life breaks out in song at the dinner table." Well...now I know. :)

Lisa said...

Now she is a cutie!!! It's funny how kids make us like things we never thought we would. :)

faith ann raider said...

this is SO cute. I never understood the "no singing at the dinner table" rule either - then I had kids. Five of them. I totally get it now. LOVE this shot!!!