Saturday, November 20, 2010

Towers of Midnight--a book respone

Just kidding!  It is the last book I read, but it has nothing to do with adoption (though it did discuss it briefly in one paragraph).  The book is over 800 pages long and the 13th book in a 14 (and a half) book series written mostly by Robert Jordan. Brandon Sanderson is writing the last 3 books in the series from Robert Jordan's notes after Jordan's death.  He has done a pretty good job on the last two, but I am disappointed to find out the last book is not projected to come out until early 2012 (possibly about the time we'll be traveling to China which seems so far away right now!).

Anyway a response to the book would be foolish because either you don't care about this series as I can tell you it will in NO WAY make you a better parent and while reading it your childrens' needs will have to be attended to by others OR you don't want me to talk about the things that FINALLY happen thus spoiling the book for those of you who have not conned your family into being quiet and only asking daddy questions for two whole days.

I probably shouldn't post about this book at all, since I may have been able to keep secret a little longer that I am the Queen of Geekdom, but if you cannot embrace who you are at 38, life wouldn't be ANY fun.  And I probably couldn't keep it hidden much longer that I love fantasy and fantasy novels.  How else would I be able to come up with so many implausible fears?   Plus, with a double date planned to go see Harry Potter next Sunday (not this weekend which probably means I am only a Lady in Waiting to the Queen of Geekdom), it was bound to come out anyway.

Now I know some Christians are opposed to fantasy novels, and I can quote the Bible verses why, but I cannot follow the logic.  I feel no judgment back at them, but am curious, how can you not love a book that takes you to a time where good and evil are SO CLEAR, where choices to do right HAVE to be made, where redemption and light are the SALVATION of the whole world?  The Bible teaches me we are in such a time as this, but humanitarianism, tolerance, and contentment make it so HARD to remember that every choice MATTERS!  I finish reading a fantasy novel ready to take up the Sword of the Spirit and fight the Minions of Hell (okay, not literally).  I want to spend every day feeling that passionate and avoiding the trap of being a lukewarm Christian, but I don't.  However, I do know that someday I will get my looooong delayed letter to Hogwarts or find the Blue Sword wrapped in an attic to pass to my daughter, but in the meantime, I'll fix my eyes on Aslan Jesus (I do know the difference between fantasy and reality, I promise.)

By the way, Brandon Sanderson's juvenile fiction series about the evil librarians are romping good fun!


Nancy @ Ordinary Miracles & The Crazy 10 said...

today finds me still in the dumps and now starting to feel sick. So wish there was a moment to read. maybe in June.
To me, fiction is good. Creativity is good. God inspires me on many fronts.

Julie R. (Wellblessed Mama) said...

Perhaps the book will come out just in time to have to read on the plane to China. :)