Friday, December 9, 2011

No Stitches

If you ask Sunflower to tell the story, she says, "They gave me apple juice in a CAN not a box!"

If you ask Huckleberry, he looks confused and furtive at the same time and says, "didn't Daddy tell you?"

If you ask SnapDragon, he says, "I was lying on the floor on my tummy relaxing when Sunflower jumped from the rocking chair onto my side...which hurt for just a second...and bounced into the green chair."

If you ask Oak, he says, "Sunflower jumped off the rocking chair, bounced off SnapDragon, and cracked her head on the brown chair.  She was just crying and running her hands through her hair when I realized they were bloody.  I very calmly put the served ice cream back in the freezer, told the boys to get their shoes and game boys (which are actually dsLites), and took her to Urgent Care. The Doctor pressed the injury together a few times and said, 'sorry, we can't glue this one.'  So they strapped her down and gave her 3 staples.  She cried a lot less than I expected.  Then they gave her some apple juice."

She did like the sound the stapler made and is now saying it every once in awhile out of the blue.
 "Chee, chee, chee...why is it in a CAN?


No Greater Love said...

Oh you did get a picture. I am so glad she's okay. And again...I am glad you missed it. Strapping down...that sounds nightmarish.

Oak sounds so very calm. Mike is not calm...neither am I...but at least he's the calmer of the two of us. :)

So, will Oak be the one to go to the dr. when they have to be removed, or will that be you?

The Johnsons said...

Awesome staples! Did they give you the remover? Taking them out is the fun part!

Jessy said...

Poor baby! Glad she's everyone's personal versions. =}